2013 Platform and
Grow the City
No issue
facing the city is more vital
than growing the city. Not
even the end of the recession
and a return of new construction
will solve the problem of
overall declining property
values. If we don’t remove
the artificial barriers to
development, we won’t have
money for new streets and alleys,
for employee salaries and benefits,
for adequate public safety responders
and equipment, for city services,
or a strong property base for
our schools.
We have begun the
transition but it is fragile.
We need a proven, experienced
mayor to foster the process and
attract new businesses and investors.
I have the experience to lead
Garland through this transition,
the knowledge to make sure we
do it well, and the caution to
assure we protect the rights
of our citizens that live here
and have built businesses here. |
Garland is already taxed
higher than most cities around us and
if we count transfers from GP&L,
we are one of the highest taxed.
High taxes encumber attracting
new businesses and prospective
home buyers.
Too often politicians
and governments just raise the
tax rate rather than working
to raise the tax base.
I have
always fought tax increases. We cannot tax our way to prosperity.
If we do the work necessary,
remove archaic regulations, and
set a high standard for new development,
we can increase the property
base, which will produce the
revenue we need for streets and
parks and a more enjoyable community.
Preserve Our Quality of Life
Garland is a family-friendly city where our children can attend
a school of their choice, learn
teamwork through various sports,
participate in Scouting and other
youth groups, and attend religious
services by all faiths.
Recognizing and supporting
families and assuring they have access
to multiple opportunities to
learn and grow should be one
of our highest goals. |
Garland is at risk
of losing major companies because they
are finding it harder and harder
to attract young professionals
here. Growing the city, providing
new housing products, more
and more recreational
opportunities makes our companies more competitive.
We must work to retain our existing
companies, even as we work to
attract new ones. Job force training
has become a major asset to our
community, allowing companies
to grow and find new, skilled
Public Safety
For a city over 100,000, Garland
is considered one of the safest
in the country. It is no accident.
Garland police and fire fighters
must meet very high standards
and training is a regular occurrence.
Both departments provide specialized
skills and training that is sought
be many other communities around
To retain these
well-trained individuals, we
must compensate them at rates
comparable to other cities in
the area and we must provide
comparable benefits.
We should work to assure that
all city employees are treated
similarly and have similar benefits. |